Click Fraud

● DB9-S/P space saving connector
● Interface is compatible with EIA/TIA RS-232C and RS-422 standard
● High efficiency serial port electricity stealing technology, need no external power supply, real three line (TD, RD, GND) mode communication
● Communication speed: 0-115.2KBPS
● Transmission distance: 0-1200meter @24AWGApplications

● Point to point, point to multi-point communication
● Industrial distribution system, industrial control automation
● Road traffic control automation
● Closed circuit monitoring
● Security protection system
● Intelligent card, check on work attendance gate safety system

Conforms to EIA RS-232C and RS-422 standards
DB-9 female connector on RS-232 side
DB-9 male connector or terminal block connector at RS-422 side

Data rate
300 TO 115.2 Kbit/s, up to 4,000 feet at 19,200 bps

Operating distance
Data rate(kbps): 19.2 9.6 4.8 2.4
Maximum distance (feet): 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 (24 AWG wire)


Port Powered RS-232 to RS-422 Interface Converter


AN-PP-RS-232-422 is a lightweighted, compact and robust port powered RS-232 to RS-422 Interface Converter. AN-PP-RS-232-422 has a DB9 female converter for RS-232 port, and 6 screw terminals connector or DB9 male connector for RS-422 differential input and output interface. AN-PP-RS-232-422 can convert TD and RD signals into balanced full duplex RS-422 signals.

Model AN-PP-RS-232-422 isn powered from RS-232 data TD or handshake lines. Unit will get the power from RTS or DTR (at least +5.5V or -5.5V).